Fun science activities are excellent learning times for science practices and understandings, hence, the purpose for the recent Sirius College Science incursion and the excursion to Echuca to Twisted Science.

The students’ imagination and investigation skills were given a boost and both events strengthened their interests in the world around them.

For Chemistry, the students participated in

  1. the study of changing the shape of materials, e.g. cornflour goo and viewing its strange behaviour.
  2. Choosing the right materials for a job, e.g. cylinder or rectangular shaped prisms to hold a large pile of papers.
  3. Finding which liquids an object will move freely in e.g. water, honey etc.
  4. Making a cloud in a bottle.

For Physics, the students were dealing with the properties of matter and energy in

  1. Listening to sound vibrating.
  2. Seeing how a range of homemade musical instruments can make interesting sounds.
  3. Watching the rainbow colours of light and how rainbows are created.
  4. Observing white light being made up of many colours.
  5. Feeling the force of air pressure.

The Grade Twos thoroughly enjoyed their time at both of these kids’ friendly science events.

Science studies is definitely a buzz for us!

Mrs. Annette Moran
Year 2 Teacher